
Sisterhood Stories
"What do you mean you won't take my money?" "I'm sorry ma'am, but there is no research being done for Small Cell Cervical Cancer, we don’t even have any information about it, so your money wouldn’t go towards that particular cancer. Have you tried the National Cervical Cancer Coalition?" "Yes, I already tried. No luck […]

Sisterhood Stories
Location: United States The Elephant In The Room I was always very good about going to my annual check-ups with my primary care doctor. Preventative medicine is what it’s all about after all right? Well in 2009 I was a few months late from being one year on the button, but I wasn’t concerned...

Sisterhood Stories
Location: United States No one ever expects to hear the words, “You have cancer” at the age of 36. No one expects that, four months before her wedding, she will undergo major surgery to remove all of her reproductive organs, which she was hoping to use to carry a honeymoon baby...

Sisterhood Stories
Location: Australia August 18th, 2008 is a day I will never forget. A day that will forever be burned into my mind. The day I first heard the words, “Sasha, its cancer.” At the time, I was a 31 year old, single mum with three beautiful boys, Samuele (7), Sebastian (5) and Stefano (2)...

Sisterhood Stories
Location: Norway In December, 2004, at the age of 33, I went to have a Pap smear after having some discharge and irregular bleeding. At the time, I was a happy, married woman and mother of two small children, aged 2 and 4. After working several years as an auditor, I had only a year...

Sisterhood Stories
Location: United States Tell me you don’t believe in miracles and I’ll tell you my story. In July 2010, just a few days prior to a planned family vacation and one month prior to finalizing the adoption of my three sons, I heard the words that still make my blood run cold. You have cancer...

In April 2011, the Small Cell and Large Cell Cervical Cancer Sisterhood began attending the annual THE OMG! Cancer Summit for Young Adults, first in New York City then in Las Vegas. They used this conference as a place to meet other sisters and their caregivers in person once a year. Today, sisters and their...